Life’s to do list

Two years ago my brother introduced me to David (Author of the blog) has written many amazing posts on life, his experiences and experiments. But his best post for me was a list of things that he wanted to do/learn in life. Here is the link to his Life list. This got me thinking of everything that I had thought of learning over a period of time. I had forgotten about many of them and occasionally the memory would pop up when something happened. For example, when we went to San Juan Islands for Thanksgiving in 2011, I fell in love with the piano at the house we were staying and remembered our (Bro and mine) growing up motto of learning at least one musical instrument in our lifetime.

I have been thinking of publishing my own to do list from over a year now, but never got down to actually writing it. Finally, here it is.

  1. Learn to play a musical instrument
  2. Write a Novel – completed in Nov 2012.
  3. Publish a novel
  4. Write Second novel
  5. Learn self-defense
  6. Teach self-defense to girls in Indian schools
  7. Learn CPR – Learnt baby CPR in pregnancy class but keeping this one open.
  8. Open a Non-Profit
  9. Sky Dive
  10. Visit Paris
  11. Visit New Zealand
  12. Learn to drive with confidence – 2014
  13. Take a photography course
  14. Volunteer and learn how to maintain a non-profit
  15. Learn to speak Kannada
  16. Learn to speak French
  17. Scuba Dive again (Loved it the last time and have been wanting to go underwater ever since :))

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